Community Story: Labiaplasty

Community Story: Labiaplasty

In this blog, a Comfortable In My Skin friend shares her anonymous story about her labiaplasty surgery. “I was 13 when I started to worry about the appearance of my vagina. After hearing guys at...
Why Vulva Diversity Awareness Is Crucial For School Sexual Education

Why Vulva Diversity Awareness Is Crucial For School Sexual Education

We only have to look as far as the recent data from Women’s Health Victoria that found that labiaplasty is the fastest-growing surgery in Australia to see that people feel increasingly pressured to conform to a narrow...
Flip Through My Flaps Is Available NOW

Flip Through My Flaps Is Available NOW

Seven years in the making, Flip Through My Flaps is now available for preorder! Wow I can’t believe the day is here!!!! I started Comfortable In My Skin in 2018 with an idea for the Flip...
Comfortable In My Skin: The Movement

Comfortable In My Skin: The Movement

Comfortable In My Skin is a movement to empower people to love the skin they’re in born out of my bedroom in Manly. I want to share the story of Comfortable In My Skin came...
Community Story: Childbirth

Community Story: Childbirth

In this blog, a Comfortable In My Skin sister shares her anonymous story about advocating for your health post-childbirth.  During natural childbirth, the baby coming out of my vagina was SO intense that I didn’t...
Community Story: Skin Tags

Community Story: Skin Tags

In this blog, a Comfortable In My Skin sister shares her experiences with skin tags. When I was about 20, I was washing myself when I felt something that I hadn’t noticed before. I grabbed...
Community Story: Vaginismus

Community Story: Vaginismus

In this blog, a Comfortable In My Skin sister shares her experiences with vaginismus and consent. My boyfriend and I left the party, this was it… we were going to have sex! We were both...
Community Story: Breast Reduction

Community Story: Breast Reduction

In this blog, a Comfortable In My Skin sister shares her experiences with her breast reduction journey. At 22, I decided to have a breast reduction. I would love to say that deciding to do...
Comfortable In My Skin Launches Podcast

Comfortable In My Skin Launches Podcast

The Comfortable In My Skin podcast covers sex, STDs, sobriety, self-pleasure and so much more.
Community Story: A Mother’s Words

Community Story: A Mother’s Words

In this blog, a Comfortable In My Skin friend shares her anonymous story about how impactful words can be on a young woman. At the young age of 14, before even seeing or exploring my...
Community Story: Regretting Breast Implants

Community Story: Regretting Breast Implants

In this blog, a Comfortable In My Skin friend shares her anonymous story about breast implants and regrets. Three years ago, I got breast implants. I remember the surgeon trying to convince me to go...
Community Story: Implant Removal

Community Story: Implant Removal

In this blog, a Comfortable In My Skin sister shares words she wishes she had read before choosing to get breast implants. I spent over $12k to realise I never needed to be better, more...