Flip Through My Flaps Is Available NOW

Seven years in the making, Flip Through My Flaps is now available for preorder!
Wow I can’t believe the day is here!!!! I started Comfortable In My Skin in 2018 with an idea for the Flip Through My Flaps book.
I knew I wanted to create a platform to educate society on the beauty of the vulva and help people feel comfortable in their own skin. I could have never predicted that seven years and a national world tour later, the idea for Flip Through My Flaps has evolved into one of the biggest female empowerment movements in the country.
So many of us spend decades of our lives questioning if we’re “normal” down there, rarely seeing another vulva up close and personal. In fact, some of us haven’t even seen our own.
My own vulva insecurities and exploration of labiaplasty is how I landed on the concept for Flip Through My Flaps. I have personally experienced how lonely and shameful it can be to think that you’re different. And the harm that words from others can have on us long-term.
If only Flip Through My Flaps existed for me back when I was struggling with my own vulva. If only I could have flipped through the flaps of 500 people across Australia and see that vulvas come in all shapes, sizes, colours and textures.
My hope is that this book becomes a resource for teachers to educate students, parents to educate children and finds a home in doctors’ offices, health clinics, waxing clinics, women’s shelters and homes all across Australia.
Flip Through My Flaps is available for preorder now and will be shipped in November. I am still choosing a cover and will update the community in the coming days. Having this book printed in Australia is expensive so I am aiming to sell 800 books in the next month to pay for the printing. You can track my progress at @comfortableinmyskin_ on Instagram.
Purchase the book for yourself here.
Donate to the printing fund here.
Thank you for your love and support. Happy flipping fam,
Ellie xxx