Ask Ellie: Tips for Being Comfortable In My Skin

Ask Ellie: Tips for Being Comfortable In My Skin

In this blog, Ellie answers a community question:

What are some practical tips for when you’re feeling triggered by a photograph of yourself or judging your body in the mirror? I am curious what helps people in these moments.

I started this movement due to the insecurities I had around my own vulva and labia. When I opened up the conversation, I realised more and more that other people also felt similar insecurities about their bodies in general. Unfortunately, our world has changed our perspective of our bodies; society and social media impact how we feel about our bodies. We are constantly marketed to by brands using our insecurities to make us buy new items.

We are bombarded with images of beautiful people with toned bodies and six packs without seeing their journey to that state, whether it be a very restrictive diet or a naturally fast metabolism. Headlines, tabloids, gossip magazines, websites, social media accounts are all trying to tell us there is something wrong with our body. Enough is enough.

Our bodies are beautiful. are bodies are unique. our bodies carry us each day, they hold water, blood, oxygen. I mean, we breathe and we don't even fucking have to tell our body what to do. You know that flat stomach everyone is striving for? We have a bump near our pelvis for a reason: it's our uterus (if you have one). I mean, people with uterus' can carry humans. WOW.

Here are my top tips for feeling better about yourself and not judging yourself:

1) When you feel shitty about a photo or looking in the mirror, ask yourself WHY? Is it genuinely YOU who feels this way, or is it a projection of society's expectations on you?

2) Acknowledge that you're on a journey to loving yourself and choose to spend more time in the mirror and telling yourself what you love about you. It's okay not to mention everything right away, but work towards being able to compliment your WHOLE self.

3) AFFIRMATIONS. What do you need to hear? Give yourself daily mirror compliments.

4) If you feel triggered by a photograph, allow it. You're allowed not to like photos of yourself, but make sure you do it Marie Kondo style - thank yourself and then delete the photo. It's okay to do that.

5) ORGASM! Nothing like releasing those endorphins to get some good love flowing. Check out my shop if you need some help there.

6) Ask your friends to HYPE YOU UP and compliment you. It's okay to ask for external help (as long as you do it yourself too).

Remember, self-love is a journey. Be kind to yourself along the way, but know that when you decide to consciously work through something, you will start to notice a difference day by day!


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